Sunday, March 04, 2007

Almost everywhere you look in this city you will see art. It is constantly appearing and changing. This is a mural in south Austin. March is a busy month for us. There's the South by Southwest film festival,South by Southwest music festival, and the NRA Rodeo. I am probably leaving out some sports something or other. But, the point is there will be a ton of people in town. This is good for the local merchants and bad for the residents. It won't affect me too much since I work on the other side of town from all the events and also I think U.T. has spring break the same week of the music festival. That means less traffic if the schools are out. I am working again this weekend. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I get sleepy and fall asleep okay but about 3am I wake up to pee or just to be awake. I lay there and try to slip back asleep but it ends up being that almost asleep thing where you keep looking at the clock every hour or two. I hate that. I have some Ambien. I am going to take a nice hot bath tonight and have a pill. I am sleepy now but by the time I need to go to sleep I will be wide awake!Reading makes me sleepy too. What makes you sleepy?



Blogger L said...

If I cant sleep I get up and watch my fish they knock me right out.

We have a half of million people in town for 14 days for bike week, lots of noise and traffic.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Sherry said...

Ambien will do the trick! I hate, HATE not being able to sleep!

6:15 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Watching TV or reading makes me sleepy.

2:55 AM  
Blogger Cyndy said...

"Days of Our Lives" and "The Young and the Restless" does it for me, as well as televised motorsport, cricket and tennis zzzzzzzzzzzz

1:08 PM  

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