Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Question For President Bush

Why are the soldiers who die in hospitals after being injured in combat not counted among the casualties of war? I was reading over at Mother Jones' blog about how this one civilian nurse who worked at a military hospital asked someone this very question and guess what she did not get an answer but she does not work there anymore either! Go figure! How appripo that I shoud read this on Mother Jones' blog being as the historaical Mother Jones would certainly like to know the anwer to this question were she alive today. I know as a nurse the way the things go like for example: people rarley die from cancer but rather from complications surounding the said cancer. Like they die after the bowel obstruction following the big surgery they had to de bulk the tumor. Or they don't die from AIDS but they do die from the luekemia the patient acquired.I guess it is the same way for the war dead. I just wonder how the fallen soldier would look upon something like that. So, if you go to war and get shot up like, not quite dead, but almost dead and they manage to get you into a hospital bed then ,if you die later on, then you did not die in service but rather as a complaication of something after the tour of duty?I think this is a question I will write my congressman and ask of him. I really want an answer to this question because it bothers me a lot. How about you?



Blogger Sherry said...

I agree...
I think they should be counted also.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Hiya Poody! :)

9:13 AM  
Blogger Sherry said...

Hey ~ Check out my blog... I've put two pictures on there that I had hubby take, just for you!

1:17 PM  

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