Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Jon Stewart for President/We Don't Need no Stinking Border Patrol

How I love this guy. If you saw the Daily Show last night you witnessed one of the funniest skits yet. GW giving his speech with a celebrity spokesperson(geico commercials) next to him was Little Richard where he is screaming help me please somebody help me. When Bush says the world will be different and Little Richard screams mashed potatoes ,gravy ,and cranberry sauce I fell out. I had to rewind and watch it over and over again. If you get a chance to see it I know Comedy Central will air the show from last night sometime today ya gotta see that one part at least. You can also go to comedy central's web page and see clips from the show there. I checked today and they have the stages of grief for Bush which he did on Monday night so maybe tomorrow will be the celebrity spokesperson skit.
Ok having said that I am still caught up in the Counting Crow bubble and you can only be there for so long until you start to get depressed. Today is Wednesday and that means margaritas at Casa Garcia's after work. They know us by name there. I so enjoy a good frozen one with no salt.And don't skip on the chips and hot sauce. Now that makes hump day worth it. God I love Mexicans. They are genius'.I mean come on, who else could take beans, rice, cheese, and flour and come out with the best grub ever. Not to mention the tequila and mota they cultivate.When I lived in Hawaii people would ask me if it was paradise and I always told them the same thing,no it is not paradise. There are no good mexican restaurants there. How can it be paradise with no chili rellanos?



Blogger Mel said...

I would vote for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yah. I'm off to comedy central now......

4:06 PM  

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