Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Change

me in Las Vegas back in April.
I am 51 yrs. old and am now embracing my "golden years". I still have to get up every morning and go to work. The difference is that I have aches and pains now that I have to deal with on a daily basis. Then there are the "hot flashes" Oh yea, baby, they are fierce! I mean, you never know when or where they will turn up. I can be sitting in a cool room perfectly still chatting with someone and the next thing you know my upper lip is sweating and I am burning up lokking for a fan,breeze, open freezer...It only gets better too, I also have trouble sleeping, well, not actually falling to sleep just the staying asleep. I toss and turn all night with the night sweats and who knows what the hell else! And the mood swings! I will bust out crying over the simplest things and god forbid, if you are crying, hello, Miss bawlbag here will join right in! Oh, I ain't saying I am sitting alone in the dark feeeling sorry for my sweaty self. Quite the contrary, I am enjoying being a single woman and find not having to worry about a man a very liberating thing I tell ya! But, the thing is that now when I get together with my friends and we start getting crazy and I start laughing, the next thing i know I am peeing my pants! I laugh so hard I pee myself! Not a big gush, mind you ,but a tiny dribble that heck, even 2 years ago I could have held back. That and for some reason, I have great bladder control all day but the minute my feet hit my front porch I gotta go and barely make it to the pot before the big TT! The funny thing is that as I sit here proof reading this entry I keep moving the chair back and back...focus!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, girl. I'm glad you had a good time. And remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


5:59 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Poody, I just had a little read down and saw your post re pain from arthritis....Bromelain is an enzyme i have just started my partner taking and it is working wonders...might be worth a shot for you...500mg 3 x a day....

7:02 AM  
Blogger Cyndy said...

Hey there, Poody!

You know, you and I must be on the same time clock......

I'm a youngun' at 46, though. I certainly won't miss the monthies when they stop. But all the "new" stuff is no consolation prize...

It'as a funny thing isn't it, that you can have the bladder of a camel, but as soon as you're near your loo, you have to cross your legs and SQUEEZE.... it sure makes it hard to get your clothes off.. and then to sit without precipitation, well that's not easy either......

Glad you're around.

6:55 AM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

I pee my pants a bit too but I'm 35sooooo you're doing WAY better than me!
I'm in peri-mentalpause(hahaha)and have similar symptoms. It's not fun:(

The photo thingy I made? It's with windows movie maker. It came with my computer and was easy to do!

I love you in that colour!
and that drink looks yummy too;p

11:30 AM  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

We could piss ourselves laughing literally together then, lol, after having 4 kids I know how that is...nice to see you in the pic btw, awesome stuff :)

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya Mary! Long time on hear. What's the haps?

Darren recorded Ben & Cassie when he brought home his work car. They don't like it because it's a Ford.

Hope you like -

5:37 AM  
Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

Whoopee....I guess this is what I'll have to look forward to when I hit 50. Or do guys hold it better than girls do?

You're the should know.

2:55 PM  

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