Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday Again

Well I hope everyone had a great weekend. I worked seeing patients in their homes. My car broke down at 8am Saturday morning at my first patient's house. I think it is the starter. I had to call my cousin Linda to come get me and take me to get a rental car. I got a Kia SUV which is a joke because I am too big for the seat and the leg room is non existent. I think it is a Korean made car so they must have been made for them and not Americans! I hate cars! I called to have the car towed and was told it was $95 to tow! That is too much! I just left it where it stood until my mechanic could have it towed (for $45) today!
I am so looking forward to this weekend. I am off Monday and cannot wait! I am going to leave from work on Friday and go to Nancy's house outside of Waco. She actually lives 6 miles fro Crawford( where GW has a ranch). I will sleep over there and then get up Saturday morning and drive into Dallas to get Connie. We are going to Paris and then down on the Red River to Connie's cabin. It should be fun. I am hoping to to meet up with some old high school friends.Then I will come back home on Monday. I am taking Dooley with me. My cousin will stay at home with the other dogs.
Work is sucking as usual. The talker has not been in contact with anyone from the office. I heard today that they may be offering her job to my psycho boss who would be good in the position. her last day as boss is 9/1/07. She told me they are trying to locate the talker and offer her a corporate job! Shit really does float to the top! Damn! So, if you do a shitty half assed job then you too can be pushed to a corporate level! Go figure! How funny would it be if she ends up being all of our boss? NOT!!!



Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Ohh NO,could you imagine the hell of that??
We won't let that happen;)

Sorry your car broke down..

Only 4 more days til the weekend,wooooho!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

I dont get it about the talker!!! My talker has had most of her work taken away and given to other people so it can actually get done. The manager wants to fire her so bad but its the good ole boy system here in the south and her husband is a good friend of one of the owners.

That sucks about your car!

Sounds like a fun weekend, get lots of pics ok sis???

8:01 AM  
Blogger S* said...

Weekend's almost here! Woo, I can't wait. I hope you have a fabulous time.

I keep seeing pairs of doxies around the city and I think of Dooley!

6:51 AM  
Blogger Lynda said...

I gotta stop working so hard.

The talker is MIA?

12:03 PM  
Blogger Cyndy said...

Maybe the talker might remain MIA????

5:14 AM  

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