Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Men! Go Figure!

I first published this post in my old blog but I wanted to see what I had written and also to catch all of my 5 people who read this up because there are more to follow. I have had a wild ride with the men in my life and I am hoping some of you can shed some light on my dysfunction.So, here goes!

My life with men part 1
I have been trying to figure out what the deal is with me and men. My first serious relationship was when I was 20 yrs. old. I had just graduated from nursing school in my home town. I was seeing this man named Dave Mitchell. He was nice and good looking. He was the ex-husband of a friend of my then roommate. We started dating and he was all in love really fast and I was so young I think I could have confused lust for love. He was a Vietnam vet and had some anger issues.First off, let me just say NEVER EVER date a friend's old lover.Even a friend of a friend's old lover. This woman drove us nuts. She would break into our house and take his things, put them in a pile and set them on fire. Oh yeh, can we say dysfunction??? Anyway, things got hot and heavy and the next thing you know we are planning a wedding. We had decided to move out of town for obvious reasons. We went to a big city in the state. I got a job working in the trauma unit in town and he registered for classes at the university. We found an apt. and were getting married on Friday and leaving for our new life that same day. Wednesday night rolls around and Dave goes out with his buddies for a little bachelor party. We had packed up all our stuff. The apt. was furnished and so was the one we were moving into so we just had boxes and suitcases. He comes home after midnight way drunk and can't find his keys. We lived in a 2 story duplex with a slider in the kitchen. He takes a brick and throws it through the slider. I wake up of course and come downstairs. When I see what he had done I started bitching. I mean hello, we are leaving in 2 days not to mention there is a big gaping hole in the door. How's that for security? He kept telling me to shut up which I had no intention of doing. I continued to bitch and gripe about his actions and generally just becoming more and more excited. He pushed me to get me out of his face. I pushed him back and he turned on me and beat me down but good. I slid to the kitchen floor in a big old mess crying and cowering in the corner. He went upstairs and immediately fell into a stupor. I sat on the floor in the kitchen and thought about what had just transpired. I decided I was not going to be that woman. I got my stuff,packed my Camero up and went back in the house one more time to make sure I had everything.There was an empty 32oz. glass coke bottle sitting by the fridge. I picked it up and went back upstairs and stood there looking at him. He was on his stomach . I took the bottle and cold-cocked him first,then I beat him about the head,shoulders, and back with that bottle. Then I ran down the stairs,out of the apt. , and drove to my new life. A couple of months later I was working the night shift and I came out after work one morning to the parking garage and he was sitting on my car. We talked and he admitted he was way out of line. He was begging me to take him back and give him another chance. We went and got coffee and talked. He told me his car had broke down and he took the bus to get here. I told him he could stay with me to see how it worked out. That night he wanted to sex me up but I was not into that yet. He became violent and told me I was a prick tease. We must have been loud because the neighbors called the cops. They came and asked me if I wanted to press charges. I told them no but asked them to take him to the bus station and make sure he left town. They did. I never heard from him again. I did see him once about 3 yrs. later in my hometown. I was with my Grandmother in her car. We were stopped at a red light and he walked across the street and saw me. He didn't speak, just stared. From that I also learned that when they say give me another chance, it means give me another chance to fuck you over. Leopard's spots don't change and neither do people's.If they will hit you once they will do it again. I decided that night on the floor of my rented kitchen that I was not going to be anyone's victim. I would rather live under a bridge than let someone abuse me and all the while say they love me. Bullshit!



Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Sing it Sister!
That's why I left my first major boyfriend. he hit me and I had told myself years before the same thing you did,I was not going to be that woman.
This a great inspiring story!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Lynda said...

Oooh, good thing you didn't marry that creep.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Crushed said...

You made the right decision.

His look three years later tells you the man he really was. A decent human being would have at least written you an apology.

11:16 AM  
Blogger S* said...

Thank heavens you didn't marry him!

I left my first "real" boyfriend for the same reason. Hitting, drinking...

8:15 AM  
Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

Yikes, scary story!! Glad to know you left the first time it happened.

9:46 AM  

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