Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Office Life

I am in the office every day this week and on call! Geesh! My two least favorites things together! Who did I piss off? Oh well, I can catch up on my blogging for a change. The weather here is so incredible. It is just the right temperature and the wild flowers are glorious this year. The best I have ever seen!I have a new camera and it takes awesome pictures! My internet is not working at my house or I would post some of them. Once I get it up and running I will post for sure. I haven't been on Facebook forever either. I find it easier to post pictures there as well. I cannot get on Facebook at work. It is a blocked site! Well!the weenie dog races were this p[ast weekend but we didn't go because I let it slip up on me! I thought it was this weekend! Crackhead baby!17 more days till vacation! I cannot wait! I am going to order a new bathing suit right now BYE



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