Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Don't it Always Seem to Go...

I have a friend named Poppy. She is one of those bigger than life people who commands the attention of everyone within earshot. It makes for some fun evenings, believe me. The other day I met up with her and a few other friends at this little place downtown. It is a beer garden and there were about 4 of us sitting around drinking beer and bullshitting at a picnic table. It is a great place to sit and visit. There are these big pecan trees that provide plenty of shade from the hot Texas sun. Anyways, Poppy is off on a tangent about some Doctor treating her badly (every day occurrence). She is being so serious and we were all drinking. She is ranting on and on and all of a sudden plop! some bird shit hits her left shoulder! She looks at it disgustedly and flips it away with her fingers never missing a beat with her story. We all sit there listening and trying no to think about the bird shit. She goes on and a few minutes later plop some more bird shit lands on her right shoulder.She looks at it and again flips it away with her hand all the while telling her story. Again, we sit there listening and not mentioning the bird shit.(small feat for most of us but she is wound up).By now, she is all twisted up and she says" I told him I wasn't gonna take any more of his shit!" And right on cue, the biggest plop of bird shit lands right on top of her head! Oh my god! We all crack up, literally rolling on the floor with laughter! How apropos is that? Even she had to chuckle at that one! Yeah, good times!



Blogger Mel said...

haha I would have been rolling on the floor!

3:37 PM  
Blogger phishez said...

Thats brilliant! I can't believe the timing of that. What a way to ease the tension.

1:39 AM  
Blogger Lynda said...

That's funny, yet kind of gross.

8:38 AM  

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